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Build from source


Installation on Linux / Unix / macOS

Clone the EthSigner repository

Clone the ConsenSys/ethsigner repository:

git clone

Build EthSigner

After cloning, go to the ethsigner directory.

Build EthSigner with the Gradle wrapper gradlew:

./gradlew build

Go to the distribution directory:

cd build/distributions/

Expand the distribution archive:

tar -xzf ethsigner-<version>.tar.gz

Move to the expanded folder and display the EthSigner help to confirm installation.

cd ethsigner-<version>/
bin/ethsigner --help

Installation on Windows

Install EthSigner

Clone the ConsenSys/ethsigner repository:

git clone

Build EthSigner

Go to the ethsigner directory:

cd ethsigner

Build EthSigner with the Gradle wrapper gradlew:

.\gradlew build

To run gradlew, you must have the JAVA_HOME system variable set to the Java installation directory. For example: JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_181.

Go to the distribution directory:

cd build\distributions

Expand the distribution archive:

tar -xzf ethsigner-<version>.tar.gz

Go to the expanded folder and display the EthSigner help to confirm installation.

cd ethsigner-<version>
bin\ethsigner --help